Saturday, March 29, 2014


A person who chases two rabbits 
– catches none.

So focus on only one thing
- at a time.

How to Keep a Wife Happy

How to keep a wife happy . . . .

It's really not difficult to make a wife happy. 
A husband only needs to be:
1. a friend 
2. a companion 
3. a lover 
4. a brother 
5. a father 
6. a man 
7. a chef 
8. an electrician 
9. a carpenter 
10. a plumber 
11. a mechanic 
12. a decorator 
13. a stylist 
15. a gynecologist 
16. a psychologist 
17. a bug exterminator
18. a psychiatrist 
19. a healer 
20. a good listener 
21. an organizer 
22. a good father 
23. Very clean 
24. Sympathetic 
25. Athletic 
26. Warm 
27. Attentive 
28. Gallant 
29. Intelligent 
30. Funny 
31. Creative 
32. Tender 
33. Strong 
34. Understanding 
35. Tolerant 
36. Prudent 
37. Ambitious 
38. Capable 
39. Courageous 
40. Determined 
41. True 
42. Dependable 
43. Passionate 
44. Compassionate


45. Give her compliments frequently
46. Love shopping 
47. Be honest 
48. Be very rich 
49. Never stress her 
50. Never look at other women!


51. Give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
52. Give her lots of time, especially time for herself
53. Give her lots of space


54. Never to forget:
* birthdays 
* anniversaries 
* her favorite color 
* her favorite flower 
* her favorite gem 
* her favorite fragrance 
* her favorite memories 
* her favorite holidays 
* her favorite friends 
* her favorite vacation destinations
* her favorite beverage 
* her favorite food 
* her favorite restaurant 
* any arrangements she makes


Just leave him alone....... And he'll be Happy !!!!

Friday, March 28, 2014

The "Special" Ordinary People

Try answering the below questions...

1. Name the 5 Wealthiest People in the world
2. Name the Last 5 winners of Ms. Universe
3. Name the Last 10 People Who the Nobel prize

How Did You Do?

The Point is, None of us Remembers The Headlines of Yesterday
Even Though These People Must be the Best in Their Fields
Applause Dies, Awards Are Tarnished and Achievements Are Forgotten!!
Here's another quiz...Let's see How This Goes:

1. Name 5 Teachers Who Added to Your Journey Through School
2. Name 5 Friends Who Helped You Thru Difficult Times
3. Name 5 People Who Taught You Something Worthwhile
4. Name 5 People Who Make's You Feel Special
5. Name 5 People You Enjoy Spending Time with


The People Who Make a Difference in Your Life Are NOT the ones with Most Awards...Life is Full of ordinary People Who Have Made the World a Better Place for You!

Cherish them!

Hold Them Tight!

Perhaps Sometimes its Special to be ordinary!       
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