Friday, March 31, 2006

Shocking ads

You think advertisements are always going to please you? If so, you may just change your opinion in the next few seconds...

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Keyboard not working? No Problem...

If your keyboard is not working due to some technical glitch but you mouse is and you need to send and urgent email, what do you do?

While you are still evaluating your options let me tell you that this is all you have to do - Assuming that you are a Windows user, just click on Start, Select Run and type OSK and hit OK.
Bingo! What do you see...a keyboard will pop up on your screen and you can use your mouse to compose your urgent email. Yes, this is an alternative keyboard provided by Windows, just in case your keyboard or some keys stop working.

Make a note of this might come in handy sometime...

Update - If the entire keyboard is not working and you are not able to type the "OSK" even then you can activate the alternate keyboard by clicking on
Start ==> All Programs ==> Accessories ==> Accessibility ==> On-Screen Keyboard

Thursday, March 09, 2006

India Rising?

Here's a video clip you must watch...
You got to see what the world thinks about India...

Click on the title above to go to the video clip.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Mallu Names - Formula...

I was very tempted to title this entry as "Mallu Naming Conventions" particularly because we use a lot of naming conventions at work when we code new components but not everyone would be able to appreciate the pun involved.

Anyways enjoy it.


If you are still wondering what newsmericks is - let me explain. Aparna has a different way of presenting news "news in limerick form".

If you still have no idea what I am trying to convey then check out this very different blog and you will be amused.

Street harrassment

Annie Zaidi writes in her blog Known Turf: Streets, stories, strategies what a woman goes through in most metroes whether it is Delhi or Mumbai.

"When you leave the house, an invisible snake of alert suspicion will wind down from your shoulders down your back and become a clenched fist in all public spaces, through all journeys. "

A very powerful and disturbing blog. Very well written and it says all that needs to be said.

Note - Blank Noise Project is an effort to fight this menace. Check out this blog for details.
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